Some Outstanding Benefits Of High-Mast Lighting


High Mast Light Systems, also comprehended as HMLs, are usually used to deliver light to large areas like giant warehouses, shipyards, streets, parking lots, stadiums, etc. High mast lights are usually installed on 40 ft-150 ft tall poles, and four to six lights are installed on each pole. 

High mast lighting is one of the best ways to illuminate extensive areas, and these lights are mounted on multiple heights to illuminate large areas uniformly.

Advantages of High Mast Lighting Systems

  • Energy Costs – It is evident that prominent locations require a higher light output to brighten the entire area uniformly. High mast lighting conventionally uses lamps or halogens of high wattage, which leads to an expansion in electricity bills. But with the introduction of LEDs, the energy cost has dropped considerably. This is because LEDs are more cost and energy-efficient in the long run.

  • Maintenance cost – High mast LED lighting decreases the maintenance cost as they have a more extended life. The lifetime of good-quality LED fixtures is usually more than 50,000 hours.

  • Lighting Performance - Lighting interpretation is a crucial parameter to consider before buying a high mast lighting system. High mast LED lighting systems equip excellent illumination, don’t emit heat or infrared light, and swallow less electricity, making them energy efficient.

Why choose high mast lights? 

Environment Friendly

Earlier, using HIDs lamps for high mast light poles was more familiar. However, it was not environmental-friendly because it caused high-pressure sodium, mercury vapor, and metal halide. On the contrary, LED lights are free from such toxic gases, making them innocuous for users and the environment.

Saves Energy

LED lamps utilized for high mast light poles save energy and offer durability. These range from 209 to 750 watts and are fabricated to reduce energy consumption by 50 to 80% compared to HIDs.


Every high-mast lighting pole will have at least 4 to 6 fixtures for LEDs. The multi-point structure evenly distributes light in different directions. Moreover, high lighting levels propose maximum coverage. If you satisfy LEDs in various color temperatures, it improves brightness.


Consumer preference towards LED lights is mainly because of durability and cost-efficiency. LED floodlights are strong and long-lasting and last ten times longer than filament or gas-based lighting solutions.

Controlled Heat Emission

High mast light poles induce significant heat due to the floodlights. Further, it is the most powerful lighting appliance and contributes to the temperature rising around the location installed. Previously, HIDs lamps constructed a significant hazard due to this. However, the heat emission from LED lights is restricted due to dynamic thermal management.

Final thoughts 

To learn more about High-mast lights and Solar Road Studs, contact Yangzhou Zenith lighting Co., Ltd. They have great success in more than 40 countries around the world, and some of them are; Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, the Middle East, and Central America. 


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